What can I expect?

  • Bao Institute

Before a meeting with Elaina you will be asked to fill out 3 in depth forms that include;

  1. Metabolic Type Test- this will clarify how you as an individual are suppose to eat,  everyone is different that is why the traditional cookie cutter diets don’t work long term for many individuals.
  2. Stress Load Assessment – this assessment will allow me to identify which systems within you are imbalanced or inflamed, this is our starting point to identify the root of a problem or issue.
  3. 10 day food journal and lifestyle assessment – let me see how you eat, relax and live your life. This is not for me to judge you in case you had too many chips or cookies, it allows me to see where your strengths are and where your weakness’ are,  from there we can create a realistic and specific  action plan for you.

Once Elaina has analyzed all the necessary forms you will sit with her or have a Skype meeting to go over all results and findings then and there will a call to action plan will be drawn out that is specialized for you.

